I'm hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Your Hands and Feet Are Mangos...

So many things! Apologies for not updating, the time has come for some news from the East. Our schedule has changed greatly: All of this week we are working in Muthiga, a very rural, beautiful slum far outside of the city. The morning hours have been spent digging holes, plowing, and weed-pulling on a spot of property that the church in Muthiga owns. They are planning on putting a school up, which will be a wonderful asset to the children of Muthiga, being that the closest school is a 2km walk, and so most children do not attend. We rest in the shade of a mango tree that sits in the middle of the lot, and often find chameleons crawling its low branches. In the afternoons, we have bible club in the slum, much a like a vacation bible school meeting. This has proved to be by far the most tiring work: the kids have decided that much like a jungle-gym that has legs, we are to be climbed are wrestled until we are face first on the ground. But it’s rewarding, the children love attention, and though we can barely communicate and must have a translator, we enjoy it as well.
We had a visit from a new friend recently: A monkey found its way to our avocado tree, and has been spotted pulling the fruit and eating it. We set out some fruit, and hope that we’ll see it again.
Well, off to Muthiga.

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